Conference abstract

Impact of bovine tuberculosis on animal production and human development in the Ngaounderé II, Adamawa region, Cameroon 2017

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2017:3(97).29 Oct 2017.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2017.3.97.214
Archived on: 29 Oct 2017
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Bovine tuberculosis, animal production, Adamaoua, economic impact
Oral presentation

Impact of bovine tuberculosis on animal production and human development in the Ngaounderé II, Adamawa region, Cameroon 2017

Alain Sanama1,&, Halimatou Kangue Ali2, Soreya Affi Dawa3,4, Moussa Yaya2, Rose Carole Bohimbo3,4, Alain George Etoundi Mbella3

1Cameroon Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 2Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Cameroon, 3Adamaoua, Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon, 4Cameroon Field Epidemiology Training Program, Cameroon

&Corresponding author
Alain Sanama, Cameroon Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program, Yaoundé, Cameroon


Introduction: bovine tuberculosis (BT) is a zoonotic disease under surveillance in Cameroon. It represents a public health problem in the Adamawa region where 45% of households are cattle breeders with an average of 15 cows / household. Routine veterinarian inspections in slaughterhouses and killings areas revealed an upsurge in cases of BT. We conducted an analysis of the surveillance data and inspections reports and assessed the economic impact in order to advocate for the control of this disease.

Methods: one of the 112 zootechnical and veterinary centers (CZV) was selected randomly. The number of confirmed BT cases occurring during December 05th 2016 to February 26th 2017 were recorded. An economic evaluation of the losses due to BT in the selected CZV was performed by extrapolating data of a trimester taking into account the average milk production (three liter per day) and the average value of an adult cow ($447) and a liter of milk ($1).

Results: during the study period, a total of 602 out of 1327 cows were confirmed to be infected with BT and slaughtered. This gives a prevalence rate of 45%. Annually, it was estimated that each household lost an average of three cows, i.e. a loss of 20% ($1341). Taking in account an average income of milk production of $9000/per household, this resulted in an estimated loss of income of milk income of 14.28% ($1286). The overall loss extrapolated to the 112 CZV of the region yields $150 000 lost in bovine production and $144 000 in milk loss for a population of 1 064 807.

Conclusion: economic impact of BT is high. It urges to put in place systematic control measures in CZV and animal-gathering places. The impact of loss on household survival in terms of access to health care, nutrition, education deserves attention.