Conference abstract
Estimation of the incidence of human rabies in Bamako, Mali
Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2019:10(17).27
Mar 2019.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2019.10.17.849
Archived on: 27 Mar 2019
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Rabies, impact, epidemiological surveillance, Bamako
Oral presentation
Estimation of the incidence of human rabies in Bamako, Mali
Ousmane Kone1,&
1Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, Bamako, Mali
&Corresponding author
Ousmane Kone, Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, Bamako, Mali
Introduction: there is need to establish a quantitative prediction of the extent of human rabies in Bamako.
Methods: human rabies incidence were estimated using a series of probability measures to calculate the probability of developing rabies after the bite of an animal suspect, integration of field data on the incidence of injuries from animal bite, the recognition accuracy of rabies, distribution bites and post-exposure treatment.
Results: we found that most patients are bitten by dogs in 98.2%, and a significant proportion of them were children with 62% of cases, which are more at risk of developing rabies because the bite is untreated. The annual incidence of human rabies is 2.4 cases per 100 000 population.
Conclusion: Bamako cases of human rabies have been greatly underestimated. Information on animal bites are accessible data source that can be used to estimate the public health burden of rabies and monitor disease trends in the country and in developing countries.