Conference abstract
Know-Your -Number (KYN): An innovative approach in mitigating the burden of NCDs in Cameroon
Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2021:11(6).04
Jan 2021.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2021.11.6.1031
Archived on: 04 Jan 2021
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Non communicable diseases, screening, risk, awareness, Cameroon
Oral presentation
Know-Your -Number (KYN): An innovative approach in mitigating the burden of NCDs in Cameroon
Mbiydzenyuy Ferdinand1,&, Takwe Boniface, Epie Njume1, Suh Nchang Abenwie1, Beri N Dimla1, Chimoun Francois1, Tih Pius Muffih1
1Cameroon Baptist convention health services PO Box 1, Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon
&Corresponding author
Background: As Cameroon continues to experience an increased burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which accounted for 35% of all deaths in 2016; there is an urgent need to develop innovative approaches to NCD prevention and control. The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) designed and implemented the KYN program with the purpose of increasing awareness on NCDs in the general population, early detection and enrolment to care and treatment of affected individuals.
Methodology: From September 2016 to September 2018, KYN initiative targeted individuals aged 15 years and above in the general population (excluding pregnant and breastfeeding mothers) through regular mass screening events in communities and health facilities), in seven purposively selected health districts, located in five regions of the country where CBCHS facilities were found. With a focus on diabetes and hypertension, modifiable and intermediate risk factors (blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, tobacco use, alcohol use, fruit and vegetable intake, were recorded by trained KYN nurses. Those with abnormal clinical values were referred to specialist for further evaluation and follow-up in care and treatment as required by international guidelines. Data was collected on specifically designed screening registers, entered into the electronic version of the Risk Exposure Assessment Forms (REAF), and exported to Microsoft excel for analysis.
Results: Two hundred and ninety-eight (298) health education meetings, and 262 outreach screening campaigns were conducted in 167 health areas, resulting in over 50,433 people sensitized and 23,831 screened. Out of those screened, 5,905(24,6%) had elevated blood pressure and 389 (1.6%) had high blood sugar levels and were referred for immediate evaluation. Meanwhile, a one-to-one counseling on healthy lifestyle adoption and NCD risk prevention was provided to the 18, 295 (76.8%) adults screened with abnormal BMIs (35% overweight and 41,7% obese), 4261 (17.9%) low fruit and vegetable consumers,1149 (4.8%) harmful alcohol consumers, and 714 (3%) tobacco users.
Conclusion: The KYN approach is innovative in the fight against diabetes and hypertension in Cameroon, through increased access to early diagnosis and management for optimal treatment outcomes. It is a population based approach that combines awareness creation and risk exposure assessment for the apparently healthy individuals. The movement from curative care alone to a combination of preventive and curative interventions is a major contribution in preventing avoidable burden of disease, disabilities and deaths.
Keywords: Non communicable diseases, screening, risk, awareness, Cameroon
Know-Your -Number (KYN): An innovative approach in mitigating the burden of NCDs in Cameroon
Mbiydzenyuy Ferdinand1,&, Takwe Boniface, Epie Njume1, Suh Nchang Abenwie1, Beri N Dimla1, Chimoun Francois1, Tih Pius Muffih1
1Cameroon Baptist convention health services PO Box 1, Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon
&Corresponding author
Background: As Cameroon continues to experience an increased burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which accounted for 35% of all deaths in 2016; there is an urgent need to develop innovative approaches to NCD prevention and control. The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) designed and implemented the KYN program with the purpose of increasing awareness on NCDs in the general population, early detection and enrolment to care and treatment of affected individuals.
Methodology: From September 2016 to September 2018, KYN initiative targeted individuals aged 15 years and above in the general population (excluding pregnant and breastfeeding mothers) through regular mass screening events in communities and health facilities), in seven purposively selected health districts, located in five regions of the country where CBCHS facilities were found. With a focus on diabetes and hypertension, modifiable and intermediate risk factors (blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, tobacco use, alcohol use, fruit and vegetable intake, were recorded by trained KYN nurses. Those with abnormal clinical values were referred to specialist for further evaluation and follow-up in care and treatment as required by international guidelines. Data was collected on specifically designed screening registers, entered into the electronic version of the Risk Exposure Assessment Forms (REAF), and exported to Microsoft excel for analysis.
Results: Two hundred and ninety-eight (298) health education meetings, and 262 outreach screening campaigns were conducted in 167 health areas, resulting in over 50,433 people sensitized and 23,831 screened. Out of those screened, 5,905(24,6%) had elevated blood pressure and 389 (1.6%) had high blood sugar levels and were referred for immediate evaluation. Meanwhile, a one-to-one counseling on healthy lifestyle adoption and NCD risk prevention was provided to the 18, 295 (76.8%) adults screened with abnormal BMIs (35% overweight and 41,7% obese), 4261 (17.9%) low fruit and vegetable consumers,1149 (4.8%) harmful alcohol consumers, and 714 (3%) tobacco users.
Conclusion: The KYN approach is innovative in the fight against diabetes and hypertension in Cameroon, through increased access to early diagnosis and management for optimal treatment outcomes. It is a population based approach that combines awareness creation and risk exposure assessment for the apparently healthy individuals. The movement from curative care alone to a combination of preventive and curative interventions is a major contribution in preventing avoidable burden of disease, disabilities and deaths.
Keywords: Non communicable diseases, screening, risk, awareness, Cameroon