Conference abstract

Importance of dietary supplements and potential of nutraceuticals for health

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2023:17(79).04 Jun 2023.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2023.17.79.1831
Archived on: 04 Jun 2023
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Nutrient, pharmaceutical, dietary supplements
Oral presentation

Importance of dietary supplements and potential of nutraceuticals for health

Zambou Celine1,&, Ajiahoung Leopold1

1Cameroonian Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, Yaoundé, Cameroon

&Corresponding author

Coined from the words “nutrient” and “pharmaceutical” by the founder of the American organization “Foundation for Innovation in Medicine” Stephen DeFelice, the term “nutraceutical” includes products with additional health benefits derived from food sources, in addition to the nutritional value found in food. The philosophy behind nutraceuticals is the “let food be your medicine” concept attributed to the father of Western medicine, the Greek physician Hippocrates. Thus, they are pharmaceutical products containing bioactive compounds obtained from food. Examples include tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders including echinacea, garlic, and fish oil derivatives used to provide immune system support and fight appetite disorders, and reinforce antioxidant defenses. Nutraceuticals are classified, based on their sources, formulations, chemical constitution, and other pharmacological considerations, as dietary supplements, functional foods, medicinal foods, and farmaceuticals. Food supplements are used to supplement the diet of people who need specific nutrients that are not found in sufficient amounts in conventional foods, for example, vitamins B12 and D, and minerals such as iron and calcium for pregnant women or anemic patients. Here we discuss the importance of dietary supplements and the potential of nutraceuticals in general for health.