Conference abstract
Experimental trial formulation of a size-reduced dried lemongrass and clove bud mosquito repellent candle
Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2023:18(176).03
Oct 2023.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2023.18.176.2294
Archived on: 03 Oct 2023
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Keywords: Syzygium aromaticum, cymbopogon citratus, mosquito larva
Oral presentation
Experimental trial formulation of a size-reduced dried lemongrass and clove bud mosquito repellent candle
Kang Costly1,&, Tcheuffa Lemaleu Rodiah Fresnel1, Thierry Moualeu1
1Institut Universitaire du Golf, Douala, Cameroun
&Corresponding author
Introduction: in 2008, there were more than 247 million cases and more than 1 million deaths caused by malaria in African children (WHO, Malaria, 26 September 2010). Cameroon accounted for 3% of all global malaria cases and 3% of malaria deaths in 2019 (Organisation, WORLD MALARIA REPORT, 2020). The objective was to trial formulating a mosquito-repellent candle from size-reduced dried lemongrass and clove buds
Methods: experimental research was carried out using size-reduced dried lemongrass and dried clove buds (Patrick Akono Ntonga, 2014). These fibers were homogeneously mixed with liquid candle wax and then poured into a transparent glass recipient with the candle wick already in place. The preparation was then allowed to rest for over three hours. Mosquitos’ larva was obtained from a nearby swamp and left to grow into young mosquitoes. Placed in a mosquito net, the setting was observed for three hours with 30-minute interval crosschecking and picture evidence for its efficacy.
Results: after dying a mass of 23 g of lemon grass, we obtained 9.82 g of dried lemon grass which was later crushed into fibers before usage. 4.55 g of clove buds were used already dried and crushed, these two size-reduced plants were then mixed up homogeneously to form a combined mixed-up powder of lemon grass and clove buds. 80 g of a formulated candle was obtained, and it was tested for repellence activity. The percentage repellence was calculated and gave as follows; T(30mins) = 6%, T(1hr)=36%, T(1hr30mins)=46%, T(2hrs)=42%, T(2hrs30mins)=64%, T(3hrs)= 74%.
Conclusion: in conclusion, the results of these studies show that clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) based candle formulation is possible and eventually has an important repellence effect on mosquitoes. We are to carry out an extraction process of the essential oils of these plants for the production of the candle at different doses to have a possible increased repellent effect as well as evaluate any potential side effects on humans.
Experimental trial formulation of a size-reduced dried lemongrass and clove bud mosquito repellent candle
Kang Costly1,&, Tcheuffa Lemaleu Rodiah Fresnel1, Thierry Moualeu1
1Institut Universitaire du Golf, Douala, Cameroun
&Corresponding author
Introduction: in 2008, there were more than 247 million cases and more than 1 million deaths caused by malaria in African children (WHO, Malaria, 26 September 2010). Cameroon accounted for 3% of all global malaria cases and 3% of malaria deaths in 2019 (Organisation, WORLD MALARIA REPORT, 2020). The objective was to trial formulating a mosquito-repellent candle from size-reduced dried lemongrass and clove buds
Methods: experimental research was carried out using size-reduced dried lemongrass and dried clove buds (Patrick Akono Ntonga, 2014). These fibers were homogeneously mixed with liquid candle wax and then poured into a transparent glass recipient with the candle wick already in place. The preparation was then allowed to rest for over three hours. Mosquitos’ larva was obtained from a nearby swamp and left to grow into young mosquitoes. Placed in a mosquito net, the setting was observed for three hours with 30-minute interval crosschecking and picture evidence for its efficacy.
Results: after dying a mass of 23 g of lemon grass, we obtained 9.82 g of dried lemon grass which was later crushed into fibers before usage. 4.55 g of clove buds were used already dried and crushed, these two size-reduced plants were then mixed up homogeneously to form a combined mixed-up powder of lemon grass and clove buds. 80 g of a formulated candle was obtained, and it was tested for repellence activity. The percentage repellence was calculated and gave as follows; T(30mins) = 6%, T(1hr)=36%, T(1hr30mins)=46%, T(2hrs)=42%, T(2hrs30mins)=64%, T(3hrs)= 74%.
Conclusion: in conclusion, the results of these studies show that clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) based candle formulation is possible and eventually has an important repellence effect on mosquitoes. We are to carry out an extraction process of the essential oils of these plants for the production of the candle at different doses to have a possible increased repellent effect as well as evaluate any potential side effects on humans.