Conference abstract

The resilient and empowered adolescent and young people: inter-community facility approach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(11).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.11.2341
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Adolescent, peer support, inter-community facility approach
Oral presentation

The resilient and empowered adolescent and young people: inter-community facility approach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Milembe Fabian Panya1,&, Esther George Mbwana1, Jordan Mwantiku Mbaga1

1Pastoral Activities and Services for People with AIDS Dar es Salaam Archdiocese (PASADA), Tanzania

&Corresponding author

Introduction: the Resilient and Empowered Adolescent and Young People (10-24 years) is a project implemented by trained peers known as Community Adolescent Treatment Supporters who work both at the facility and in the community. The goal of the project is to ensure adolescents and young people living with or affected by HIV are resilient, empowered, and knowledgeable, have bodily autonomy and freedom, and work to realize their SRHR. Interventions are conducted at eight health facilities in Dar es Salaam.

Methods: an interventional approach was used. Treatment supporters were recruited and trained in basic HIV, counselling, and communication skills. Data were collected daily using forms and uploaded to the WANDA database.

Results: all 779 beneficiaries were reached, and 62% were female. Peer-to-peer support was done both at the facility and in the community through home visits (1,470 visits) to address issues related to ART adherence and proper drug keeping, self-stigma reduction, SRHR, and how to set life goals. Contributed to 90% of viral load suppression among youth. Through community dialogues (763) and caregiver meetings (351), the community became aware of issues affecting adolescents and youth related to HIV/AIDS and SRHR and increased general knowledge and understanding of HIV.

Conclusion: Self-stigma still contributes to poor adherence to ART among adolescents and youth. These youths have many untold stories that need to be addressed for the best treatment outcomes. Peer-to-peer support is important among adolescents and youth in enhancing access to healthcare services and contributing to improved outcomes and well-being of vulnerable populations.