Conference abstract

Empowering CHMTs to be better leaders of data review and decision-making

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(14).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.14.2345
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
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Keywords: CHMTs, data review, decision-making
Oral presentation

Empowering CHMTs to be better leaders of data review and decision-making

Stella N Mujaya1,&

1Freelance Health Consultant, Tanzania

&Corresponding author

Introduction: in Tanzania, working at the council level, the Data. FI project supported the establishment of weekly data review meetings with the goal of improving program performance. With sustainability thinking, during the 3rd of implementation Data.FI transitioned leadership of these weekly data review meetings to 27 selected CHMT members. This assessment builds off of the Data. FI’s scope of work aiming to empower the selected councils’ data review further leads by narrowing the gap between the knowledge that was provided to them by the project and the application.

Methods: the project aims to follow up with council managers 3-4 months’ post-transition and conduct a short assessment to understand their experiences in taking leadership in data review without the presence of Data.FI project staff.

Results: the majority of the councils were able to maintain the momentum of meeting weekly. Challenges experienced relate to information systems, technical expertise, unclear data, and the use of quality improvement tools. When segregated by gender, challenges related to HIS are experienced more by female managers (86%) than males. Only 26% looked for gender-related patterns, trends, or disparities during data analysis, and only 11% reported highlighting gender-specific insights or disparities when using data visualization techniques.

Conclusion: the government should advocate for councils to include regular data review meetings in their budgets. Stakeholders should support council managers by further strengthening their technical and analytics skills to ensure they are better placed to lead data review meetings and facilitate data-driven decision-making discussions.