Conference abstract

Epidemiology of cholera outbreak and summary of the preparedness and response activities in Arusha region, Tanzania, 2023

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(2).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.2.2333
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
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Keywords: Epidemiology, cholera outbreak, preparedness, response activities
Oral presentation

Epidemiology of cholera outbreak and summary of the preparedness and response activities in Arusha region, Tanzania, 2023

Robert Hongo1,&, Charles Mkombachepa1, Isaya Nangay1, Vones Uisso1, Petro Mboya2, Issa Msumari2, Maduhu Nindwa3, David Sabas3

1Department of Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition, Arusha Regional Health Management Team, Arusha, Tanzania, 2Department of Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition Arusha District Council Health Management Team, Arusha, Tanzania, 3Department of Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition Arusha City Council Health Management Team, Arusha, Tanzania

&Corresponding author

Introduction: cholera remains a significant public health concern in Tanzania, posing recurrent threats to communities. This study was conducted to illuminate the cholera outbreak's epidemiological landscape and the effectiveness of emergency management strategies deployed during the outbreak and to inform future interventions.

Methods: a descriptive analysis was conducted utilizing cholera outbreak data gathered between September 26 and November 07, 2023. Cases were defined as individuals aged 5 years or older exhibiting symptoms of acute watery diarrhea with or without vomiting. This analysis integrated administrative records, laboratory findings, and documented situational updates.

Result: two hundred and three (203) cases were reported from all 26 of the two affected district councils. Females and Males constitute 106 (52.2 percent) and 97(47.8 percent) of all cases reported respectively. Occupations, 55(27.1percent) business, 43(21.2percent) unemployed, 31(15.2percent) employed, 30(14.8percent) farmers, 18(8.9percent artisan) and 14(6.9percent) students affected. The age group 15-45 years was affected more as compared to other age groups with cases 130 (64.04percent), while the lowest number of cases were in the age groups of >60 years 6 (2.9percent) and <2 years 6(2.95percent) respectively. Among 103(50.74 percent) of cases sought health care within a few hours to less than one day of disease onset, 87 (42.86 percent) sought care within one day after the onset of the symptom, and 13(6.40 percent) sought medical care on the third or more days after disease onset.

Conclusion: the cholera outbreak in 2023 resulted in considerable morbidity, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced preparedness, response strategies, and prioritizing early risk detection in preventive measures.