Conference abstract

Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program (NTDCP) Country ownership: Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) through strengthening planning and budgeting systems at council levels

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(27).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.27.2358
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
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Keywords: Neglected Tropical Diseases, country ownership, domestic resource mobilization, sustainability
Oral presentation

Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program (NTDCP) Country ownership: Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) through strengthening planning and budgeting systems at council levels

Wemaeli Mweteni1,&, Kennedy Panja1, Rose Marwa1, Veronica Kabona1, Casmil Masayi1, Julius Masanika1, Shabbir Lalji1, Geofrey Mackenzie2, Douglas Ndeki2, Sara Hussein2, Abdallah Missenye2, Ramla Nandala2, Chandler Ciuba3, Edward Owino4, George Kabona5, Maureen Kunambi6, Isaac Njau6, Faraja Lyamuya6, Clara Jones6

1RTI International, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2President´s Office, Regional Authority and Local Government, Dodoma, Tanzania, 3RTI International, Washington DC, USA, 4Results for Development, Nairobi, Kenya, 5Njombe Regional Referral Hospital, Njombe, Tanzania, 6The National Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program, Ministry of Health, Dodoma, Tanzania

&Corresponding author

Introduction: the NTD road map 2021–2030 calls for countries to change operating model and culture to facilitate country ownership by increasing Domestic resource mobilization (DRM). An assessment of 15 councils by the Ministry of the President Office, Region Authority and Local Government (PORALG), showed that 18.4% and 48.7% of the councils did not allocate funds for NTDs in financial year 2019/20 and 2020/21 respectively. To achieve country’s NTD sustainability strategy 60% DRM target for NTDs at council level by 2026, two interventions were prioritized: Council capacity building for NTD planning and budgeting through Comprehensive Council Health Planning (CCHP), and integration of NTD data into national Health information system (HMIS-DHIS2).

Methods: the 15 Councils were selected based on their NTDs burden and funding allocation level. Key council planners were capacitated during CCHP pre- planning stage, guided to plan according to epidemiological data from DHIS2 and Act | East project. Review of the NTD data elements in DHIS2 was done, missing or poorly defined NTD data elements were identified by key NTD and HMIS stakeholders.

Results: total amount allocated for NTD interventions from domestic sources increased by 12.9% from 802,473,796TZS in 2021/22 to 906,027,055TZS in 2022/23 budgets. More NTD data elements were incorporated into HMIS including redefined Lymphatic filariasis (Lymphedema and Hydrocele) and inclusion of new and redefined non-preventive chemotherapy NTDs.

Conclusion: DRM for NTDCP sustainability depends on integration of NTD interventions into the CCHP and budgeting while informed by relevant data to aid budget allocation prioritization.