Conference abstract

Efficient and accountable service delivery by use of grants management system to automate and streamline grants processes-Amref Health Africa´s technical assistance initiative

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(28).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.28.2359
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Service delivery, grants management system, Tanzania
Oral presentation

Efficient and accountable service delivery by use of grants management system to automate and streamline grants processes-Amref Health Africa´s technical assistance initiative

Faith Njeri1,&, Gloria Wandeyi1, Lila Mwango1, Jane Kitonga1, Joyce Murerwa1

1Amref Health Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

&Corresponding author

Introduction: efficient and effective management of funds is key in attainment of an organization’s goals. Amref adopted Microsoft Dynamics NAV, an ERP system that integrated the Grants Management System (GMS) in July 2021.This was aimed at addressing challenges related to manual reporting, inefficient funds accountability and unstandardized reporting process among others.

Methods: between 2019- 2020, a consultant was engaged for mapping and user acceptance test done for the proposed GMS module. The system was then piloted for six months after which it was rolled out in a phased approach to all sub grantees engaged by Amref Health Africa. Capacity enhancement of staff and partners, through contextualized Technical Assistance (TA) was planned and executed and a user manual developed.

Results: USD 14,062,405(84%) of disbursements were affected within 21 days as at 2023 compared to USD 4,800,550(70%) in 2020. Eligibility of costs at first review improved from 40% in 2019 to 76% as at December 2023. In addition, donor portfolio expanded and the organization is able to effectively sub-grant to more than 80 partners in multiple countries.

Conclusion: technical assistance plays a key role in enhancing the capacity of key stakeholders using integrated systems, which in turn promote efficiency in grants management that is fundamental in promoting accountability and attaining donor and organizational goals.