Conference abstract

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake and continuation among key and vulnerable populations in Tanzania: lessons learned from Chunya District, Mbeya

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2024:21(5).29 Apr 2024.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2024.21.5.2336
Archived on: 29 Apr 2024
Contact the corresponding author
Keywords: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, vulnerable populations
Oral presentation

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake and continuation among key and vulnerable populations in Tanzania: lessons learned from Chunya District, Mbeya

Gerson Mosses Wami1,&

1Actions for Development Programs, Mbozi, Tanzania

&Corresponding author

Introduction: the abstract describes efforts conducted by ADP-Mbozi under the HIV Prevention project, funded by HJFMRI, to improve PrEP enrollment to KVPs in the Chunya district.

Methods: between October 2022 and September 2023 ADP-Mbozi through support from HJFMRI trained 10 community services providers and started providing awareness on the importance and effectiveness of PrEP drugs in HIV prevention. Individuals were reached at their working areas, screening conducted and eligible were escorted to facilities for drug initiation. ADP MBOZI organized community outreach services to conduct a PrEP refill to remind and retain them back to the facility for PrEP drug continuation. PrEP Nurses were involved and reminded the KVPs of the importance of PrEP. The outreach campaign also aimed to provide services to the hard-to reach key and vulnerable populations’ hotspots, and mining camps that frequently change due to mining availability. Bi-weekly follow-up and reporting were conducted between the organization, health workers and the donor.

Results: the sensitization has resulted in enhancement of PrEP services. 920 individuals, 394 being KVP enrolled on drugs. Additionally, 649 (70%) individuals, 221 (56%) being KVP were retained in services. This is a great improvement compared to year 2022 whereby 434 individuals (232 KVPs), were enrolled into PrEP services.

Conclusion: engaging KVPs in the fight for HIV infection enhances their understanding of preventive measures and reduces their chance of HIV infection. ADP-Mbozi under the support from HJFMRI will continue to emphasize PrEP through community sensitization and outreach drug dispensing while promoting other HIV prevention interventions among KVP.